E-Plan LogoUpdates


November 2024

Significant Changes in Tier2 Submit 2024

The E-Plan's 2024 Tier II online submit will be available after January 1, 2025.

  1. Updated state-specific fields and/or instructions in Alabama, Hawaii, Ohio, and Wyoming.
  2. Adjusted the validation rule from earlier Tier2 Submit versions that required users to enter any number including zero in the "Maximum number of occupants" field when they had also indicated that the facility is "Unmanned", based on feedback from states and tribes. The federal Tier II form instructions are still that you should use zero in that case. However, some states and tribes want to collect information on the number of people that may sometimes be at an Unmanned facility (e.g., if someone is there once a month for routine maintenance) for planning and emergency response purposes. This change gives users in those states and tribes more flexibility in filling out these fields per state and tribal guidance in their areas.
  3. Updated the county Census boundary files.

April 2024

Over 57,500 facilities filed their 2023 Tier II data using E-Plan

E-Plan collected over 57,500 Tier II data submissions for reporting year 2023, 205 EPCRA 302 (EHS) notifications, 783 EPCRA 311 reports, and 63 Emergency Plans from organizations across the US. In addition, several organizations created their Tier II reports using E-Plan, exported data to the appropriate form (e.g., Tier2 zip file, PDF file), and submitted it to their State SERC's, County LEPC's, and local fire departments.

For the 2023 reporting year, the following States accepted E-Plan submittal:

  1. State of Alabama
  2. State of Alaska
  3. State of Florida
  4. State of Georgia
  5. State of Iowa
  6. State of Mississippi
  7. State of Montana
  8. State of North Carolina
  9. State of New York
  10. State of South Carolina
  11. State of Tennessee

December 2023

EPA/NOAA Tier2 Submit Software

Significant Changes in E-Plan's 2023 Online Tier2 Filing

  1. Chemical information page - CAS number: Added dropdown selection including CAS # and chemical name.
  2. Chemical information page - Chemical name: Added dropdown selection including chemical name and CAS #.
  3. Updated the Extremely Hazardous Substance (EHS) checks to match the latest regulatory information from the Consolidated List of Lists.
  4. Added state-specific fields and/or instructions in North Carolina.
  5. Updated state-specific fields and/or instructions in Alabama, Connecticut, Georgia, Hawaii, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Texas.
  6. Updated the county boundary checks to use the latest files from the U.S. Census Bureau.

April 2023

Over 55,600 facilities filed their 2022 Tier II data using E-Plan

E-Plan collected over 55,600 Tier II data submissions for reporting year 2022, 199 EPCRA 302 (EHS) notifications, 53 EPCRA 311 reports, and 29 Emergency Plans from organizations across the US. In addition, several organizations created their Tier II reports using E-Plan, exported data to the appropriate form (e.g., Tier2 zip file, PDF file), and submitted it to their State SERC's, County LEPC's, and local fire departments.

For the 2022 reporting year, the following States accepted E-Plan submittal:

  1. State of Alabama
  2. State of Alaska
  3. State of Florida
  4. State of Georgia
  5. State of Iowa
  6. State of Mississippi
  7. State of Montana
  8. State of North Carolina
  9. State of New York
  10. State of South Carolina
  11. State of Tennessee

February 2023

Hazardous Chemical Inventory Reporting --- Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) Sections 311-312

    LAST UPDATED ON FEBRUARY 9, 2023: For any hazardous chemical used or stored in the workplace, facilities must maintain a safety data sheet (SDS) (formerly known as material safety data sheet, MSDS). Facilities must submit the safety data sheet (SDS) or a list of hazardous chemicals to their State or Tribal Emergency Response Commission (SERC or TERC), Local or Tribal Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC or TEPC), and local fire department...

November 2022

EPA/NOAA Tier2 Submit Software

Significant Changes in Tier2 Submit 2022

  1. Updated the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Codes in the drop-down list to the latest 2022 values provided by the U.S. Census Bureau.
  2. Developed NAICS Code mapping assistance feature for importing older .t2s files, in order to help users update older values that are no longer in the official 2022 NAICS list.
  3. Updated the Extremely Hazardous Substance (EHS) checks to match the latest regulatory information from the EPA List of Lists.
  4. Updated state-specific fields and/or instructions in Colorado, Ohio, Texas, and Vermont.
  5. Updated the county boundary checks to use the latest files from the U.S. Census Bureau.

July 2022

Consolidated List of Lists under EPCRA/CERCLA/CAA §112(r) (April 2022 Version)

    The List of Lists is a consolidated list of chemicals subject to: Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA), Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA), and Section 112(r) of the Clean Air Act (CAA). Click here to view Changes to the EPCRA, CERCLA, CAA 112(r) Consolidated List of Lists April 2022.

May 2022

2022 North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Revision

    The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) revision for 2022 was officially released in January 2022. NAICS codes are reviewed and revised every five years to keep the classification system current with changes in economic activities. NAICS 2022 is the latest revision for NAICS and supplanted the NAICS 2017 revision. There were 1,057 industries in 2017 NAICS United States, and in 2022 NAICS United States there are 1,012 industries. For detailed information about the latest version of NAICS code, please visit U.S. Census Bureau website.

March 2022

Over 54,800 facilities filed their 2021 Tier II reports using E-Plan

E-Plan collected over 54,800 Tier II data submissions for RY 2021, 161 EPCRA 302 (EHS) notifications, one EPCRA 304 notification, 60 EPCRA 311 reports, and 21 Emergency Plans from organizations across the US. In addition, several organizations created their Tier II reports using E-Plan, exported data to the appropriate form (e.g., Tier2 zip file, PDF file), and submitted it to their State SERC's, County LEPC's, and local fire departments.

For the 2021 reporting year, the following States accepted E-Plan submittal:

  1. State of Alabama
  2. State of Alaska
  3. State of Florida
  4. State of Georgia
  5. State of Iowa
  6. State of Mississippi
  7. State of Montana
  8. State of North Carolina
  9. State of New York
  10. State of South Carolina
  11. State of Tennessee
Thank you for your continued support of E-Plan!

November 2021

Webinars - How to use E-Plan to submit a 2021 Tier II report

UTD-CEPT offered this webinar five (5) times.

  1. Friday, January 7, 2022 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM CST
  2. Friday, January 21, 2022 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM CST
  3. Friday, January 28, 2022 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM CST
  4. Friday, February 4, 2022 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM CST
  5. Friday, February 18, 2022 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM CST

July 2021

Over 55,000 facilities filed their 2020 Tier II reports using E-Plan

E-Plan collected over 55,000 Tier II data submissions for reporting year 2020 from organizations across the US. Several organizations created their Tier II reports using E-Plan, exported data to the appropriate form (e.g., Tier2 zip file, PDF file), and submitted it to their State SERC's, County LEPC's and local fire departments.

For the 2020 reporting year, the following States accepted E-Plan submittal:

  1. State of Alabama
  2. State of Alaska
  3. State of Florida
  4. State of Georgia
  5. State of Iowa
  6. State of Mississippi
  7. State of Montana
  8. State of North Carolina
  9. State of New York
  10. State of South Carolina
  11. State of Tennessee
Thank you for using E-Plan!

February 2021

EPA / NOAA Tier2 Submit and CAMEO Updates

    EPA / NOAA developed Tier2 Submit to help facilities prepare an electronic chemical inventory report. Many states accept Tier2 Submit, and the Tier II chemical inventory data can also be exported into the CAMEO Data Manager emergency planning software.

August 2020

Consolidated List of Lists under EPCRA/CERCLA/CAA §112(r) (August 2020 Version)

    The List of Lists is a consolidated list of chemicals subject to: Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA), Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA), and Section 112(r) of the Clean Air Act (CAA).

April 2020

Over 54,560 facilities filed their 2019 Tier II reports using E-Plan

E-Plan collected over 54,560 Tier II data submissions for reporting year 2019 from organizations across the US. Several organizations created their Tier II reports using E-Plan, exported data to the appropriate form (e.g., Tier2 zip file, PDF file), and submitted it to their State SERC's, County LEPC's and local fire departments.

For the 2019 reporting year, the following States accepted E-Plan submittal:

  1. State of Alabama
  2. State of Alaska
  3. State of Florida
  4. State of Georgia
  5. State of Iowa
  6. State of Mississippi
  7. State of Montana
  8. State of North Carolina
  9. State of New York
  10. State of South Carolina
  11. State of Tennessee
Thank you for supporting of E-Plan!

November 2019

Final Risk Management Program (RMP) Reconsideration Rule

    On November 20, 2019, EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler signed the Risk Management Program (RMP) Reconsideration final rule, which modifies and improves the existing rule to remove burdensome, costly, unnecessary amendments while maintaining appropriate protections and ensuring first responders have access to all of the necessary safety information. This rule also resolves important security concerns.

July 2019

The State of Alaska, Department Environmental Conservation (DEC) will use E-Plan to accomplish the following: Support facilities for online reporting system in Alaska to file EPCRA Section 312 (Tier II), 302, 304 and 311, online tracking system and service support for current and new first responders in Alaska

    Beginning January 1, 2020, UT Dallas will provide E-Plan access and support to the 1,360 current and new Tier II facilities and the 16 current and new first responders in Alaska.

June 2019

Tier II Agreement between Iowa DNR and UT Dallas

    Beginning January 1, 2020, UT Dallas will support facilities in Iowa to file their EPCRA Sections 312 (Tier II), 302 (EHS), and 311 directly into the E-Plan online reporting system.

March 2019

Over 47,700 facilities filed their 2018 Tier II reports using E-Plan

E-Plan collected over 47,700 Tier II data submissions for reporting year 2018 from organizations across the US. Several organizations created their Tier II reports using E-Plan, exported data to the appropriate form (e.g., Tier2 zip file, PDF file), and submitted it to their State SERC's, County LEPC's and local fire departments.

For the 2018 reporting year, the following States accepted E-Plan submittal:

  1. State of Alabama
  2. State of Florida
  3. State of Georgia
  4. State of Mississippi
  5. State of Montana
  6. State of North Carolina
  7. State of New York
  8. State of South Carolina
  9. State of Tennessee
Thank you for your continued support of E-Plan!

Dec 2018

Safety Data Sheets with New OSHA Physical and Health Hazard Classes and Tier II Reporting

    EPA developed this factsheet to assist facility owners and operators in complying with Tier II reporting requirements. It includes a cross-walk between the old and new hazard categories, as well as answers to questions that EPA received from the regulated community and states.

March 2018

45,000+ facilities filed their 2017 Tier II reports using E-Plan

As of March 1, 2018, E-Plan collected over 45,000 Tier II data submissions for reporting year 2017 from organizations across the US. Several organizations created their Tier II reports using E-Plan, exported data to the appropriate form (e.g., Tier2 zip file, PDF file), and submitted it to their State SERC's, County LEPC's and local fire departments.

For the 2017 reporting year, the following States accepted E-Plan submittal:

  1. State of Alabama
  2. State of Florida
  3. State of Georgia
  4. State of Mississippi
  5. State of Montana
  6. State of North Carolina
  7. State of New York
  8. State of South Carolina
  9. State of Tennessee
Thank you for your continued support of E-Plan! It is simple and easy for Tier II filers and first responders to use.

Feb 2018

Physical and Health Hazards Cross-Walk for EPCRA Tier II Reporting

    EPA developed a cross-walk in coordination with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to assist facilities in comparing OSHA’s original and new physical and health hazards adopted from the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS).

September 2017

Newest Version of MARPLOT Software (5.1)

EPA / NOAA has posted the new version of MARPLOT 5.1. It does have some significant differences from the existing MARPLOT 5.0.3. Click here to view "What is new in latest version of MARPLOT (5.1)?" and download MARPLOT Version 5.1.


  1. Go to C:\Users\Public\Documents on the computer that you are going to update from MARPLOT 5.0.3 to 5.1.
  2. There will be a “MARPLOT Data” folder there.
  3. Copy & Paste the MARPLOT Data folder somewhere safe, like your Desktop, or a server, or a network drive, or a flash drive. We recommend naming the pasted folder “MARPLOT 503” so you will know what it is.
  4. Now start your existing MARPLOT 5.0.3. Note: You must do this BEFORE you install the 5.1 version.
  5. Go to the Layer Group menu and choose “export”.
  6. Choose “mpz” as the export format.
  7. Choose “Select All” for the Layers to export.
  8. Choose “Continue” and Save the file somewhere safe and name it “2017-9-21 ALL MARPLOT EXPORT”. Note: You might get a message like “the ALOHA Layer has no objects and cannot be exported”. Deselect the ALOHA Layer from the export set. Same thing for the CAMEO Scenarios Layer.
  9. Now you have 2 backups of your existing MARPLOT Data. One is the copied and pasted MARPLOT Data folder, and the other is the exported file.
  10. Close MARPLOT 5.0.3.

Now you can run the 5.1 installer. Everything should work, but at least you are prepared in case it doesn’t.

June 2017

Fact Sheet: Technical Amendment - Revisions to Hazard Categories for Reporting under EPCRA Sections 311 and 312

    This fact sheet covers the final rule which revises the hazard categories for reporting under Sections 311 and 312 of the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA). Click here to view the Technical Amendment.

April 2017

E-Plan had a great year of 2016 Tier II data collection

As of March 1, 2017, E-Plan collected over 44,000 Tier II data submissions for reporting year 2016 from organizations in 41 states. Several organizations created their Tier II reports using E-Plan, exported data to the appropriate form, and submitted them to their State SERC.

For the 2016 reporting year, the following States accepted E-Plan submittal:

  1. State of Alabama (first year)
  2. State of Florida
  3. State of Georgia
  4. State of Mississippi
  5. State of Montana
  6. State of North Carolina
  7. State of New York
  8. State of South Carolina
  9. State of Tennessee
Thank you for your continued support of E-Plan!

December 2016

EPA - Final Amendments to the Risk Management Program (RMP) Rule

    The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) finalized amendments to the Accidental Release Prevention Requirements for Risk Management Programs under the Clean Air Act, Section 112(r)(7). Click here to view the Final Amendments.

August 2016

Notification of OSHA PSM Guidance Products Public Review

As part of the action items listed in the Actions to Improve Chemical Facility Safety and Security – A Shared Commitment report to the president, The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) committed to developing three guidance documents for specific process safety management (PSM) covered industries. They are:

  1. Process Safety Management Explosive and Pyrotechnics Manufacturing Guidelines for Compliance
  2. Process Safety Management Small Business Guidelines for Compliance
  3. Process Safety Management Storage Facilities Guidelines for Compliance

In order to ensure that these products provide useful and accurate information, OSHA is opening docket OSHA-2016-0021 to allow submission of comments. Any interested party may submit comments, through September 23rd, 2016. All such comments can be submitted to OSHA’s docket OSHA-2016-0021 via the government's e-regulatory portal, www.regulations.gov. (direct link: https://www.regulations.gov/docket?D=OSHA-2016-0021)

June 2016

EPA - Hazardous Chemical Reporting: Community Right-to-Know; Revisions to Hazard Categories and Minor Corrections

    Click here to view the Final Rule: Technical Amendment. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is amending its hazard categories in the regulations (40 CFR part 370) for reporting under Sections 311 and 312 of the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) due to the changes in the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Hazard Communication Standard (HCS). For more information: https://www.epa.gov/epcra/epcra-non-section-313-amendments-and-guidance

May 2016

EPA - Adopting XML as the format of Tier2 Submit submission files

    EPA will be adopting XML as the format of Tier2Submit submission files for reporting year 2016.

March 2016

E-Plan had another strong year of Tier II data collection

Over 45,000 facilities filed their 2015 Tier II data directly into E-Plan.

For the 2015 reporting year, the following States accepted E-Plan submittal:

  1. State of Florida
  2. State of Georgia
  3. State of Mississippi
  4. State of Montana
  5. State of North Carolina
  6. State of New York
  7. State of South Carolina
  8. State of Tennessee
Thank you for your continued support of E-Plan!

November 2015

EPCRA (non-313) On-line Training for States, Tribes, LEPCs and Local Planners and Responders

The EPCRA (non-313) On-line Training for States, Tribes, LEPCs and Local Planners and Responders is now available at the National Enforcement Training Institute (NETI) eLearning Center website: http://epawebconferencing.acms.com/epcranon313nonepa/event/event_info.html

This course explains the requirements of the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) and its implementing regulations. It provides key information to States, Tribes, LEPCs, and local planners and responders on their role under EPCRA and supports these agencies in fulfilling their responsibilities prescribed in the law in order to prepare and protect the community from chemical emergencies.

Made up of an Overview, a Resources page, a Course Evaluation/Survey and 4 instruction Modules:

  1. Module 1: EPCRA Sections 301, 302, and 303: Planning for Chemical Emergencies (6 lessons)
  2. Module 2: EPCRA Sections 311 and 312: Hazardous Chemical Inventory Reporting (3 lessons)
  3. Module 3: EPCRA Section 304 and CERCLA Section 103 (4 lessons)
  4. Module 4: EPCRA Sections 322-326 (5 lessons)

Summary: This online training course is designed to help state, local, and tribal agencies to know the requirements of the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) and its implementing regulations. This course supports these agencies in fulfilling their responsibilities prescribed in law. It is also designed to prepare them for chemical emergencies and to provide compliance assistance to facilities. Participants in this course will learn facilities' requirements providing information on the storage and releases of hazardous chemicals and how state and local agencies should use that information to prepare and protect the community from chemical emergencies. Learners need to take all four modules in order to complete the course. Each lesson contains text, interactive exercises, interactive Flash-based exercises, and knowledge checks.

You may click on any of the Lessons in any of the Modules. You may also download the pdf files for each of the lessons. There is no certificate of completion associated with this course. Please complete the course evaluation. Registration is required to access the training. Total expected time to complete the 4 modules is a little over 11 hours (based on the posted length of each lesson).

November 2015

Changes to EPA's 2015 Tier2 Submit:

  1. Title is required for the following contact types: Emergency Contact, Tier II Information Contact, and Fac. Emergency Coordinator.
  2. First name is required for emergency contacts.
  3. NAICS code is required to be a 6-digit code (E-Plan added a drop-down list of latest NAICS codes).

October 2015

Enhance the CAMEO Suite - Challenges related to development of Web-accessible Tier2 Submit and CAMEOfm

Decision: EPA/NOAA CAMEO team will NOT develop web accessible Tier2 Submit or CAMEOfm at this time

  1. EPA/NOAA cannot by law collect or host the Tier II data
  2. Deployable server version technically very challenging and resource intensive
  3. Hesitation by stakeholders due to staffing and IT required support
  4. Existing available systems (T2S and CAMEOfm, State developed systems, E-Plan, and third party solutions) adequate for majority stakeholders

August 2015

Notified E-Plan users and friends that the 7th annual E-Plan users' group conference will be held in Raleigh, NC on November 4 & 5, 2015.

  1. MAKING OUR COMMUNITIES SAFER - Our goal for this year’s conference is to bring together the facility workers and operators, communities, and responders to gather the most accurate and complete database of information.
  2. TOPICS ON HOW TO WORK TOGETHER IN AN EMERGENCY - We will be having speakers from facility owners and operators, local and state first responders, and federal partners.
  3. TIMELY ASSESSMENT OF INFORMATION COLLECTION AND SHARING - We will provide in-depth training for first responders on how to use E-Plan and for industry on how to submit Tier II reports using E-Plan.

March 2015

Over 40,000 facilities filed their 2014 Tier II data directly into E-Plan

For the 2014 reporting year, the following States accepted E-Plan submittal:

  1. State of Florida
  2. State of Georgia
  3. State of Mississippi
  4. State of Montana
  5. State of North Carolina
  6. State of New York
  7. State of South Carolina
  8. State of Tennessee
Thank you for your support of E-Plan during the 2014 Tier2 filing period!

October 2014

2014 payment module for the State of North Carolina

    UT Dallas designed, tested and implemented a new payment module in E-Plan for the State of North Carolina. This project was completed in December, 2014. Facilities in NC have filed their 2014 Tier II data in E-Plan and paid the State Tier II filing fee via the NC State Bank online payment system.

June 2014

EO 13650 Actions to Improve Chemical Facility Safety and Security – A Shared Commitment
Click here to view the status report to the President, entitled Actions to Improve Chemical Facility Safety and Security – A Shared Commitment.   This report summarizes the Working Group’s progress, focusing on actions to date, findings and lessons learned, challenges, and short and long-term priority actions.  These priority actions are captured in a consolidated action plan, based on the information collected by the Working Group and focused on five specific thematic areas: 

  1. Enhance Federal Operational Coordination
  2. Improve Data Management
  3. Modernize Policies and Regulation
  4. Incorporate Stakeholder Feedback and Develop Best Practices
  5. Strengthen Community Planning and Preparedness

April 2014

Importing State / County data into CAMEOfm

While EPA’s CAMEOfm and Tier2Submit cannot import and export files that are larger than 2 GB, there are a couple of workarounds that you can import your State 2013 Tier II data into CAMEOfm.

  1. Download and import each County data separately.
  2. Download the entire State data, but delete the SitePlansTemp folder before importing the zip file.  Two scenarios:
    1. If you don't need the site plans, here's a workaround:
      1. Open up the zip file, delete the SitePlansTemp folder, and close the zip.
      2. Now try importing that zip file into CAMEOfm.  You'll get an error message that no site plan / document files were imported.  Click Done to continue.
    2. If you prefer to have the site plans, here's a workaround:
      1. Open up the zip file and drag the SitePlansTemp folder to your desktop.
      2. Delete the SitePlansTemp folder from the zip file and close the zip.
      3. Now try importing that zip file into CAMEOfm.  You'll get an error message that no site plan / document files were imported.  Click Done to continue.
      4. Close CAMEOfm.
      5. Move the * contents * of SitePlansTemp folder into your CAMEO’s SitePlans folder, which is probably C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\CAMEO Data\SitePlans.
      6. Finally, start CAMEOfm.

November 2013 - January 2014

Improving Chemical Facility Safety and Security: Listening Sessions completed

On August 1, 2013, the President issued Executive Order (EO) 13650 - Improving Chemical Facility Safety and Security - to improve the safety and security of chemical facilities and reduce the risks of hazardous chemicals to facility workers and operators, communities, and responders. Chemicals and the facilities that manufacture, store, distribute and use them are essential to our economy and livelihood, but the handling and storage of chemicals can present a risk that must be addressed (http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2013/08/01/executive-order-improving-chemical-facility-safety-and-security). As part of the EO, the Working Group co-chaired by EPA, DHS, and DOL held several listening sessions. The purpose of listening sessions was to obtain input from all stakeholders including federal and state agencies, local governments, organizations and citizens on specific areas of the EO.

E-Plan users and friends provided comments on the benefits of “E-Plan” to government and industry and asked the federal government to reinvest in the “E-Plan” program to standardize chemical facility reporting and information sharing. In fact, E-Plan supports directly to the requirements under Section 3 of the Executive Order.

1) Sec. 3(a)(iii) - Ready access to key information in a usable format:

Currently E-Plan provides ready access to key information of chemical facilities in a usable format to over 8,500 federal, state and local emergency managers and first responders. The system was designed by EPA, emergency managers and first responders in the fall of 2000.

2) Sec. 3(a)(v) - Information sharing and collaborative planning between chemical facility owners and operators, federal/state/local government personnel, and first responders:

Since 2001, E-Plan has helped to enhance information sharing and collaborative planning between Tier II facility owners and operators, federal agencies, SERCs, LEPCs and first responders. A growing number of states adopt E-Plan as their Tier II reporting tool. Even states that have their own reporting tool are able to store their Tier II data in E-Plan.

3) Sec. 3(c) - DHS shall assess the feasibility of sharing CFATS data with SERCs, TEPCs, and LEPCs on a categories basis:

E-Plan database has RMP and Tier II data, which contains CFATS facilities. Additional CFATS data can easily be uploaded to E-Plan. The CFATS data will be marked and shared on permission based so that SERCs, TEPCs and LEPCs can access the appropriate CFATS data information online via E-Plan.

All of the listening sessions were completed: Information on these sessions were posted to the Federal Register (https://www.govevents.com/).

  1. November 5, 2013 – Texas City, TX
  2. November 15, 2013 – Washington, DC
  3. November 19, 2013 – Springfield, IL
  4. November 25, 2013 – Webinar
  5. December 4, 2013 – Hamilton, NJ
  6. December 11, 2013 – Orlando, FL
  7. December 16, 2013 – Webinar
  8. January 8, 2014 – Sacramento, CA
  9. January 9, 2014 from 5:00pm to 8:00pm PT at Mount St. Mary's College, 10 Chester Place, Los Angeles, CA
  10. January 10, 2014 from 1:00pm to 4:30pm PT at UCLA-James West Alumni Center, 325 Westwood Plaza, Los Angeles, CA
  11. January 14, 2014 from 9:00am to 4:30pm ET at GSA's ROB Auditorium, 301 7th Street SW (7th & D Streets), Washington, DC
  12. January 24, 2014 from 9:00am to 4:30pm CT at Harris County Depart of Edu. Training & Conf. Cent, 6300 Irvington Blvd., Houston, TX

August 26,2013

Notified E-Plan users that E-Plan remains active.