User Account Creation

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    1. Authorizing Authority Account

An E-Plan authorizer must have a valid account on the E-Plan system. The basic process to approve an "E-Plan Authorizing Authority" account would be as follows:

    1. User Account

An E-Plan user must have a valid account on the E-Plan system. The basic process to approve an "E-Plan User" account would be as follows:

E-Plan Account Creation for new Authorizers and Users

*** Note: All the information denoted with an asterisk (*) must be completed.

      1. First Responder Type: Select one of the following options: Water Supplier, Fire Fighter, HazMat Responder, US&R Responder, EMS Provider, Emergency Manager, Law Enforcement, or Other
      2. Account Type: Choose User or Authorizer
      3. Desired Level of Access: Select one of the following options: City, County, or State
      4. First Responder Organization: Enter the name of your organization
      5. Occupational Title: Enter your title
      6. First Name: Enter your first name
      7. Last Name: Enter your last name
      8. Work Email: Enter your business email address
      9. UserID: Enter a user name
      10. Password: Follow the instructions and create/enter your account password

*** Note: Password should be at least eight (8) characters long with at least one uppercase, one lowercase, one digit, and one special character. Valid special characters are +,-,#,and @.

      1. Business Address
      1. Supervisor's Name: Enter your supervisor's name
      2. Supervisor's Phone Number: Enter your supervisor's phone number
      3. Password Question: Select a password question
      4. Password Answer: Enter a hint to help you remember your password
      5. Click the "Save and Continue" button to save. The E-Plan Authorizing Authority page will appear.

*** Important Notes: You must read, understand, and agree to the E-Plan Acceptance Use Policy.

*** Notes: