Getting Started with E-Plan

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E-Plan is a proven system since 2001 that provides first responders and others with on-site hazardous chemical information for fixed facilities around the United States. In emergency situations, the E-Plan system can make the difference between life and death for First Responders and victims of the emergency. E-Plan has been enthusiastically embraced by fire fighters and hazmat response teams, nationwide wherever it has been introduced. Without E-Plan, this information is currently available only in paper form and retrieving this information from a file storage room during an emergency is a difficult, lengthy process if even possible at all. Instant access to the critical Hazmat information provided by E-Plan makes it an invaluable tool for First Responders.

There are two E-Plan systems:

  1. E-Plan Portal for First Responders (i.e., Federal, State, and Local Government Personnel) --- Web site:

  1. E-Plan Online Tier2 Submit for Tier II Submitters, Facility Managers, and Business Owners --- Web site:

*** Important Notes:

Here is an example of the overall E-Plan Authorizing Authority hierarchy in a state. The purpose of this approach is to keep the E-Plan authorizing process centralized for users. The goal is to have multiple authorizers in each county, each one representing their specific response discipline (i.e., police, fire, emergency management service). From there, users (from those disciplines) can request user access to the E-Plan Portal through their appropriate discipline-specific authorizer.