This is a step-by-step guide for using the E-Plan's Online Tier2 Submit module. This guide will assist you through the process of entering data to build a Tier II report for filing to your State and local jurisdiction.
The E-Plan’s Online Tier II Reporting System (web site: is fully compatible with the Tier2 Submit software program developed jointly by the EPA and NOAA. However, the advantage of E-Plan’s Online Tier II Reporting System is that you do not have to install any software on your machine to submit your data. With no software, there is no facility based software updates required every year. Also, E-Plan’s Online Tier II Reporting System allows you to retrieve your submission from any computer with the security of an Access ID and password that is known only to you.

*** Important notes:
- Completed Tier II forms for reporting year 2024 are due by March 1, 2025.
- Per EPA, if you had a hazardous chemical on-site at or above the thresholds at your facility for more than 24 hours at any time during calendar year 2024, then you will need to file a Tier II report. Please consult with your State and Tribal Emergency Response Commissions (SERCs and TERCs) and Local and Tribal Emergency Planning Committees (LEPCs and TEPCs) for their Tier II reporting requirements.
- If your facility was closed in 2024, you still need to report hazardous chemicals that were present at your facility at any time during the previous calendar year (i.e., 2024) at levels that equal or exceed reporting thresholds.
- If you sold your facility in 2024, you still need to report hazardous chemicals, which were present at your facility from 1/1/2024 to the date that it was sold, at levels that equal or exceed reporting thresholds.
- Tier II reports due on March 1, 2025 should reflect the chemical inventories for the previous calendar year January 1 – December 31, 2024.
- Filing Tier II report via E-Plan’s Online Tier2 Submit (web site: may not fulfill the mandate per your SERCs/TERCs, LEPCs/TEPCs, and/or local fire departments. You should obtain additional information and assistance in preparing and submitting Tier II reports by contacting your State SERC/TERC, County LEPC/TEPC, and local fire department.
- Contact your State SERC/TERC, County LEPCTEPC, and local fire department to see if they accept E-Plan as a form of electronic filing.
- For the 2024 reporting year, the following States and Counties accept E-Plan as an electronic form of Tier II reports:
State of Alabama
State of Alaska
State of Florida
State of Georgia
State of Iowa
State of Mississippi
State of Montana
State of North Carolina
State of New York
State of South Carolina
State of Tennessee
Warren County in Ohio
Counties in Virginia – Chesapeake City, Hopewell City, Patrick County, Pittsylvania County, Richmond City, Smyth County, Virginia Beach City, and Waynesboro City
- If you take over an existing account and do not know the log in credentials (i.e., Access ID and/or password), please use the Contact Us button on any E-Plan website page to request the account information.
- Account Information and Reporting Authority Email Addresses:
- Account Information: Please ensure your contact information (e.g., submitter name, email address) is correct.
- Reporting Authority Email Addresses: You are allowed to enter up to 10 email addresses that will receive the E-Plan's Online Tier2 Data Submission Receipt.