You can add a new chemical to your submission by clicking on the appropriate Add New Chemical icon shown on the 20xx Online Filing Home page. After entering the required information, press the appropriate Save and Continue button to save the information.
- There is no limit on the number of chemicals that you can add.
- You can also edit
or delete
- Chemicals from one facility can be copied into another.
- Each facility in your Tier II report needs to have at least one chemical. In addition, each chemical must have at least one location record. Furthermore, type, pressure, and temperature for each location (even if "Confidential" is checked) are required.
- States may have lower reporting thresholds and additional chemicals covered by the State right-to-know regulations. Contact your State SERC for any specific requirements for that State.

Chemical Information page
In the Chemical Information page, you must enter/select/check all of the applicable information including the chemical details, physical state, physical hazards, health hazards, and quantity.
*** Important notes:
- You must enter Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) registry numbers for pure chemicals (i.e., those with no mixture components) that are Extremely Hazardous Substances (EHSs) with the exception of Organorhodium Complex, which has no CAS.
- If you do not have a CAS registry number, leave it BLANK.

- The chemical amount cannot be zero.
- If you are reporting a mixture or solution that contains one or more hazardous chemicals, you have two options, outlined below.
- Option 1 (recommended option): Report your mixture as a whole. Check "Mixture". Enter the name of the mixture or product name as it appears on the mixture's SDS. In the Quantity section, enter the weight of the entire mixture. In the Mixture Components section, list all EHS components in the mixture. You do not have to list non-EHS components in the mixture, but you may wish to do so in order to better inform emergency planners and first responders.
- Option 2: Report your mixture by reporting the hazardous components separately.
- If an EHS is part of a mixture, you must report at least one EHS mixture component.
- Voluntary reporting of amounts below reporting requirement thresholds.
- For EHSs, the system will check this box if the quantity is below the threshold planning quantity (TPQ) or 500 pounds, whichever is less. (For a list of EHS chemicals and TPQs, please reference the EPA Consolidated List of Lists.)
- For hazardous substances (anything with a SDS sheet), the system will check this box if the quantity is below 10,000 pounds. In addition, this box may be checked if the chemical you are reporting is granted a specific exemption from Tier II reporting under 40 CFR 370.10-13.

Chemical Storage Locations page
In the Chemical Storage Locations page, you must enter/edit/select/check all of the applicable information including the storage type, pressure type, temperature type, location, and maximum amount at location.
There is no limit on the number of chemical storage locations that you can add.
*** Important note:
Every chemical in your Tier II report needs to have at least one location record, and each such record must specify:
- Location at Facility
- Storage Type
- Pressure Type
- Temperature Type
Confidential Chemical Location:
Checking the “Confidential” check box means that no locations are required for that chemical. However, in order to fulfill the proper reporting under EPCRA, you must submit a Confidential Location Information Sheet to the SERC, LEPC, and fire department. This form is used by the authorities to verify actual locations for audits and emergencies and not by public citizens.
- Type, Pressure, and Temperature for each location (even if "Confidential" is checked) are required.

Chemical Components page
In the Chemical Components page, you must enter/edit/select/check all of the applicable mixture components information including the CAS number, component name, EHS, maximum amount code, and percentage.
There is no limit on the number of chemical mixture components that you can add.