The University of Texas at Dallas designed, developed, operated, and maintained E-Plan, a web-based information system that enables first responders to retrieve information critically needed in the initial stages of chemical emergencies. The project funded by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of Homaland Security. E-Plan system was developed in 2000 and went live with the pilot system in June 2002 that now contains records for over 400,000 Tier II and RMP facilities and 24,000 unique chemicals in all 50 states. More than 9,000 First Responders and other emergency personnel have been trained and registered as E-Plan users. Local implementation is simple since there is no software to purchase or distribute, and no local data entry requirements. Training is extremely simple and typically requires only about 1 hour.
E-Plan is available to first responders and state and federal users!
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