Most Common Filing Errors

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There are several common errors that facilities fail to report while creating their Tier II report via E-Plan.  

*** Error Not Reporting NAICS Code

This is a federal requirement.

You can add a NAICS Code to your submission by clicking on the Facility Identification link shown on the Facility Information page. After selecting and entering the required information, press Add or Next to save the information.

Here is an example of NAICS code:

*** Error Incorrect or Not Reporting Latitude and Longitude Coordinates

Latitude and Longitude Coordinates

This is a federal requirement. You must report your facility's latitude and longitude coordinates in decimal degrees with at least four decimal digits to the right of the decimal points.  

The latitude and longitude of the facility must be in decimal degrees with at least four decimal digits to the right of the decimal points (e.g., 32.9919, -96.7573). Here is an example of latitude and longitude values in decimal degrees:

Latitude = 32.9919    

Longitude = -96.7573

*** Important notes:

1)  Check if a coordinate is in decimal degrees

2)  For facilities located in the US (except Guam), check if the latitude coordinate is within the range of 0 to 80

3)  For facilities located in the US (except Guam), check if the longitude coordinate is within the range of -180 to -50

You can use this tool provided by the Federal Communications Commission to convert values from degrees/minutes/seconds to decimal degrees:

*** Error Not reporting Owner/Operator

*** Important notes: Please remove duplicate contacts.

For each facility submission, the EPA requires an Owner/Operator with first name and last name, address, phone and email. You should choose one phone of any type from the drop down phone list including 24-hour, mobile-cell, emergency, work, or home.

*** Error - Not Reporting Emergency Contact or 24-hour Phone for Emergency Contact

*** Important notes: Please remove duplicate contacts.

For each facility submission, the EPA requires one Emergency Contact with first name and last name, title, and two phone numbers, at least one of which must have the phone type of “24-hour”.

*** Error Not Reporting State Data

State Applicable Fields page

Some states request additional information for Tier II Chemical Inventory reports. E-Plan validates both Federal and State requirements. Click here to view a table of the States that have additional data fields and the corresponding descriptions.

You must enter/select all the appropriate information into any state requested fields and press the appropriate Update button to save the information.

*** Important note:  If you have 100+ facilities that require entering the additional State Tier II field repeatedly, please Contact Us so we can assist you to enter the data.