E-Plan Online Filing Process

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You can easily navigate to each of the following modules using the horizontal menu bar to add, delete or edit the information. In fact, E-Plan's Online Tier2 Submit has unlimited capacity so even companies with thousands of facilities can use it effectively. The E-Plan's Online Tier2 Submit is organized into three modules (parts):

  1. Facilities module Where you enter facility name, physical address, mailing address, latitude and longitude coordinates, data submitter's name and title, etc.
  2. Contacts module Where you enter owner/operator, emergency contact, Tier II information contact, and other contact's names, addresses, emails, and phone numbers.
  3. Chemicals in Inventory module Where you enter chemical property, storage information, mixture components, etc.

Starting in the filing year 2013, E-Plan online Tier2 Submit was built in with a payment module to collect the E-Plan administrative charge. Once you select to upload a facility's data into E-Plan, the system will create an invoice based upon the facility's location.

If your facility is located in

E-Plan Administrative Charge per Facility






North Carolina,

South Carolina, or

Warren County (Ohio)


These states and Warren County (Ohio) have covered the cost for all Tier II facilities within their jurisdiction.

All other states


*** Important notes:

A flow diagram of the E-Plan Online Tier2 Filing for all States (except Florida and North Carolina) is shown below:

A flow diagram of the E-Plan Online Tier2 Filing for State of North Carolina is shown below:

A flow diagram of the E-Plan Online Tier2 Filing for State of Florida is shown below: